I did some experiments with Word 2010 and found that Word sometimes selects MS Gothic Font (monospaced font that looks very similar to one of the wider ones in the LO sample) and sometimes Arial Unicode MS which spaces correctly. I incorrectly said Segoe UI, it should have been Segoe UI Symbol.

I think you should find a specific music font to use because the character spacing should be correct for a font designed specifically for music. This is the fallback font for symbols in MS Office I suppose.

Segoe UI Symbol gives closest spacing but the license is restricted to Microsoft products like Windows or MS Office, see Font redistribution FAQ - Typography | Microsoft Learn. You can see that there seem to be only three different sets of characters. I tried a few fonts, see attached document, text on left and image on right because missing fonts will show differently and also different operating systems might handle missing characters differently. I have tried all the fonts without success.